You don't simply wake up one morning from a good night's sleep and find you are an expert in XYZ.
Sure, you see it in all the sci-fi films. It may well be the case (one day) that you can buy a magic pill which not only helps you lose weight but an upsell means within 24-hours flat you can speak fluent French. I'm not sure if you have watched the film Vanilla Sky? That wasn't about buying a pill but more about living in a dream state until the day comes when science meant you could live again. In this world, as yet, you make your own future.
Gambling. What does that word mean to you? Is it fun, pleasure, hard work or business?
Honestly, would you expect to wake up one day and be a pilot flying with the Red Arrows? Of course not. You would crash and burn before even getting into the air.
Why should gambling be any different? It shouldn't. But you aren't going to crash and burn the first time you make a bet. You may think it is just a bit of fun. Heck, everyone does it. Sure, many people do bet but how many questions why they bet. What made them make that first decision? Who or what planted that seed?
For me, I learned about gambling from my Dad. The thing is that you may be reading this and think you can finish my sentence... that it was a bad idea, I regret ever placing that first bet and it has ruined my life. Conversely, it happens to be one of the best things I ever did.
I think the reason for this is to do with me rather than the seed that was planted. I am a good gambler because I am not a natural gambler. In that I mean, I never bet for fun. I looked upon it like studying for a degree. I wanted to know more because I had seen enough to consider I could make it pay. I know what it takes to gain a degree because I did so with Open University and have a Hons Degree in Psychology (Bsc).
Everything is about discipline. My degree took 7 years. It was a marathon rather than a sprint. It was a lot of hard work. But I knew I would gain a degree even before I started the course.
Because I made the decision I would do it whatever. And at that moment, it made the journey much shorter. I just had to put one foot in front of the other. I only ever saw a tutor on three separate occasions (when they asked me to attend a meeting) and I did all the work myself. Basically, I didn't need a tutor. Just the literature and someone to mark my assignments or exams. I gained a 2:1, a few percents short of a first.
What did I learn? Anyone with basic intelligence can get a degree. It is a matter of hard work. Learning.
How does my knowledge of betting compare with a degree? I know a lot more. If there was a course for gambling I would, without question, be a doctor. That may sound as though I am raving about this or that or showing off. I'm not saying it for that reason. Far from it. I don't need to impress anyone but myself. That's what is going to see me succeed or fail. What better motivation.
To be a successful gambler you need to build a foundation of knowledge. You don't need to know everything. Who knows everything? Only a fool.
What you need to know is your subject matter. To know it better than most. That is the level you need to meet. It will be found after failure and patience. It is a journey that can be whatever you make it because you set your own guidelines. You can learn for a decade without spending a penny. Your return a knowledge that gives you the opportunity to win when you decide to bet for all the right reasons.
Do you know what the right reason means?
That you have enough understanding and confidence to make your betting pay.
You wouldn't blindly buy stocks and shares without a valid reason.
Until science fiction bumps into real life you need to realise you are as good as the time and effort you put into your own success.
Good luck.
Picture: a scene from Vanilla Sky
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